Maria Antoniadou
![]() | Αssociate Professor
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Education / Qualifications
- 1997: Master of Science in Dental Biomaterials (M.Sc.) and Clinical Specialization in Restorative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University
- 2001-2002: Master’s degree in medical Interpretation and Translation (M.Sc.) (Greek/English)
- 2007-2009: Specialty programme in “Quality Control”. E-learning programme, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
- 2010: Specialty programme in “Clinical Psychology and Advisory Psychology”. E-learning programme, Department of Psychology And Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- 2012: Specialty programme in “Teaching in Nursing and other relevant medical sciences” E-learning programme, Department of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- 2013: Specialty programme in “Clinical Psychology” E-learning programme, Department of Psychiatry for Children, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- 2019: Ιntroduction programme in «coaching leadership: At the footsteps of Socrates”. E-learning programme, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- 2019: Accreditation programme in «Coaching-AC Accredited». E-learning programme. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Supervisor: Dr D. Karathanos, AC Accredited Coach)
- 2019-2020: Accreditation programme in «Coaching Skills-ICF Accredited». (Supervisor: B. Asimakopoulou, ICF Accredited Coach), Greece.
Academic and professional positions
- 1997-1998: Research and Clinical Associate, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwig’s University, Hugstetter Str.55, Freiburg, Germany
- 1999-2009: Instructor: Clinical assistant Clinic (4 hours per week) & Laboratory (8 hours per week), (10 hours per week), Clinic of Evidence-Based Treatment (5th year students), Dental School of Athens, Department of Restorative Dentistry
- 2009-2016: Lecturer, Department of Operative Dentistry (clinics and laboratories, seminars in undergraduate and postgraduate programme), Dental School of Athens, Greece
- 2016-2024: Assistant Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School of Athens, Greece.
- 2018-2019: Coach on new students 2018-2019
- 2018-2021: Facilities Supervisor, Dental School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- 2019-: Member of the Supervising committee of the University Church of Saint Antipas, Goudi, Athens.
- 2024- : Associate Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School of Athens, Greece.
Voluntary Dental activities
- 1995: Voluntary clinical assistance (dental support on immigrants) in the dental office of the “Medecins sans frontiers”.
- 2004: Voluntary clinical dental assistance in the Polyclinic of the Olympic village during the Olympic and Paraolympic Games of Athens.
- 2015: Voluntary clinical dental assistance at the UFUFUO hospital, Bokuba, Tanzania with “KEDAS” organization.
Research Grants and Contracts
- Research Grant “Phythagoras II” (2003-2006)
- Research Grant “Kapodistrias” (2010-2013)
Awards and Honours
2011: AODES congress Istanbul, Turkey. 1st prize on poster presentation: “Clinical evaluation of OTCs bleaching products”
Publications in Greek scientific journals
- The determination differentiation and migration of neural crest cells. Αntoniadou M, Soloukidou E. (Greek). Orthodontic Review 1996;8(1):11-17.
The partial denture design for the periodontally compromised patient. Κoutayas SO, Κokkinis I, Αntoniadou M, ΒlissidisI.(Greek). Odostomatological Progress 1997;51(1): 34-45. - Esthetic restoration of fluorosed and tetracycline-stained teeth. Κοutayas SO, Αntoniadou M. (Greek). Odostomatological Progress 1997;51(3):162-178.
- Design and construction of soft custom trays for home bleaching. Pitsiningos D, Αntoniadou M, Μοuntouris C. (Greek). Hellenic Stomatological Review 1997;41:20-23.
- Enamel microcracks and reproduction methods. Κoutayas SO, Αntoniadou M, Τzortzopoulou E. (Greek) Hellenic Stomatological Review 1997;42:23-29.
- Modern technologies of high strength ceramic materials for the construction of all ceramic post and cores. (Part 1). (Greek) Κoutayas SO,Αntoniadou M. Contemporary Dentist 1998;18(3):121-130.
- Modern technologies of high strength ceramic materials for the constructionof all ceramic post and cores. (Part 2). (Greek) Κoutayas SO, Αntoniadou M. Contemporary Dentist 1998;18(4):181-194.
- Color in Esthetic dentistry. Part 1: color perception, definition, measurement and selection. (Greek) Αntoniadou M, Κoutayas SO. Stoma 1999;27:117-126.
- Color in Esthetic dentistry. Part 2: optical behavior of natural teeth and restorative materials.(Greek) Αntoniadou M, Κοutayas SO. Stoma 1999;27:127-139.
- Esthetic diagnostic methodology of the face and the smile. (Greek) Αntoniadou M. Οdostomatological Progress 2001;55(1):87-99.
- Medical applications of polymeric materials.(Greek)Αntoniadou M. Odostomatological Progress 2005;59(3):5405-426.
- In-vitro characterization of resin-based sealants. (Greek) Αntoniadou M, Κakaboura A, Eliades G. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2008;52:15-24.
- Tooth-bleaching lamps for the dental practice. Categories, use and effectiveness. (Greek) Antoniadou M, Douvitsas G. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2009;53:47-58.
- The use of ozon in Operative dentistry. A review. (Greek). Spagopoulos D, Tsiouri E, AntoniadouM. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2011;55:259-267.
- Preventive and minimal restorations in posterior teeth. (Greek). Antoniadou M. Οdostomatological Progress 2012;64(3):394-401.
- Materials and techniques for retraction of periodontal and periimplanttissues. A bibliographic review. (English/Greek). Κatsarou T, Tsiouri E, SpagopoulosD, Antoniado M. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2012;56:135-158.
- Tooth bleaching in children and adolescents. (Greek)Αntoniadou M,Τsiouri E, Spagopoulos D. Paidodontia 2012;26(1):5-21.
- Ηydrogen peroxide as a tooth bleaching product.Effect on the human body and the intraoral soft tissues. (Greek). Antoniadou M, Tsiouri E, Spagopoulos D. Odostomatological Progress 2013;67(1):14-27.
- Ηydrogen peroxide as a tooth bleaching product. Effect on dental hard tissues and restorative materials. (Greek) Antoniadou M, Tsiouri E, Spagopoulos D. Odostomatological Progress 2014;68(1):86-98.
- Μinimal treatment of an extended crown fracture of an upper incisor with a bonded ceramic restoration. A 5-years' follow-up case. (English/Greek). Αntoniadou M, Aivaliotis S. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2012;56:282-297.
- Anterior upper teeth direct esthetic bonding in a class II bite case. (English/Greek). Tsiouri E, Spagopoulos D,Antoniadou M.Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57:79-90.
- Repair of conservative restorations. Part A'. Protocols on amalgam repair. A bibliographic review. (Greek). Antoniadou M, Petraki B, Neophytou S, Lagouvardos P. Paidodontia 2013;27(2):37-54.
- Polymeric onlays. A restorative solution with perspective. Clinical and laboratory procedures. (English/Greek). Petraki V, Antoniadou M, Koniaris A, Sakellaropoulos O, Aivaliotis S. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57(3):195-218.
- Crown discoloration of endodontically treated teeth. Causes, treatment and complications. (English/Greek). Sotiropoulos G, Farmakis ET, Naiske K, Antoniadou M. Hellenic Stomatological Review2013;57(3):219-250.
- The saliva as caries’s control parameter in third age patients. (Greek) Κapsalas A, Kitopoulou A, Αntoniadou M. Hellenic Hospital Dentistry 2013;6:21-30.
- Still using amalgam? The dental amalgam controversy. (English/Greek). Zappi A, Antoniadou M,TzoutzasI. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57:301-319.
- Single incisal composite veneer for diastema closure. Ways to modify optical perception of its real dimensions. (English/Greek). Κatsarou T, Αntoniadou M, Zappi A, Αivaliotis S. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57:289-300.
- Single incisal composite veneer for diastema closure. Ways to modify optical perception of its real dimensions. (English/Greek). Katsarou T, Αntoniadou M, Zappi A, Αivaliotis S. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57:289-300.
- Polymeric onlays. A restorative solution with perspective. Clinical and laboratory procedures. (English/Greek). Petraki V, Antoniadou M, Koniaris A, Sakellaropoulos O, Aivaliotis S. Hellenic Stomatological Review 2013;57(3): 195-218.
- Repair of conservative restorations. PartB'. Protocols on resin repair. A bibliographic review (Greek). Antoniadou M, Spagopoulos D, Lagouvardos P. Paidodontia 2014;28(3):103-117.
- The cost and management of conservative restorations in the dental office: What the Greek dentist needs to know. M. Αntoniadou, A. Theodoropoulou, I. Τzoutzas 2017;34(2):267-274.
- Dental amalgam. Survival under conditions. Tzoutzas I, Antoniadou M. Booklet edited by the Greek dental association. Athens 2018.
- Νοn carious erosive lesions in the third age patient. Prevention and therapeutical approach. (Greek). Antoniadou M, Karkazi F, Xondrokoukis P, Kossioni A. Hellenic hospital dentistry 2018; 11:33-44.
Publications in foreign scientific journals
- #1D. Bonding durability of a new metal primer. (English) Antoniadou M, Kern M, Strub J.R. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2000;84(5): 554-560.
- #2D. Dental services in the Polyclinic of the Olympic Village during the Athens 2004 Olympic and Paraolympic Games. (English) Vougiouklakis G., Tzoutzas J, Farmakis E-T, Antoniadou M, Mitsea A. International Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;29: 1-7.
- #3D. External cervical root resorption following bleaching. Literature review. Follow up case at 14 years. (English/Italian). Antoniadou M, Farmakis ET, Paximada C, Douvitsas G. Εndodonzia 2010;24(3): 208-213.
- #4D. Volatile organic compounds assessment in a dental clinic: bonding agents P03-70, Tzoutzas I, Antoniadou M., Helmis C.G., Halios C.H., Sgouros G, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Volume 21- Suppl 1 June 2011
- #5D. TVOCs emissions from disinfectants, bonding agents and acrylic substances in a controlled dental office. (English). Halios C, Helmis G, Sgouros G, Tzoutzas J, Antoniadou M, Kostopoulos V. Global NEST Journal 2013; 15(2): 218-226.
- #6D. Restoration of an endodontically treated molar taurodont. (English) Antoniadou M, Malivitsi CH, Margeti Z, Farmakis ET. Journal of Orofacial Sciences 2015;7(1): 1-4.
- #7D. Tooth whitening efficacy of self-directed whitening agents vs 10% carbamide peroxide: a randomized clinical study. (English). Αntoniadou M, Κoniaris A, Margaritis V, Kakaboura A. Journal of Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research 2015;1(2): 31-35 (doi 10.15761/ DOCR.1000107).
- #8D. Masking the discolored enamel surface with opaquers before direct composite veneering. (English). Vjero O, Spaveras A, Anagnostou M, Αntoniadou M. Journal of Dental Oral Disorders and Therapy 2015; 3(2): 1-8 (JDODT-15-CR-208 Tax ID 80-0951304).
- #9D. Attitudes of Greek dentists towards repair of conservative restorations. An online survey. Antoniadou M, Paximada Ch, Lagouvardos P. Int Dental J 2017:67: 351-359 doi: 10.1111/idj.12319
- #10D. Basic tips for communicating with a new dental patient, Antoniadou M., Kitopoulou A., Kapsalas A., Tzoutzas I. ARC Journal of Dental Science Volume 1, Issue 4, 2016, PP 4-11 ISSN No. (Online): 2456-0030 DOI:
- #11D. Bleaching of natural dentition: what the new dentist should know. Antoniadou M., Koniaris A., Vakaki M. and C. Mountouris G. American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research, 2016;4(10) ISSN: 2321- 3647.
- #12D. Effectiveness of optical illusions applied on a single composite resin veneer for the diastema closure of maxillary central incisors, Katsarou T, Antoniadou M, Papazoglou E. The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 2017; 12 (1):42-59
- #13D. Glass Ionomer for the Restoration of Non-Carious Cervical Lesions in the Geriatric Patient, Kampanas NS, Antoniadou M, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2018;9:42 doi: 10.3390/jfb9030042
- #14D. Μasking posterior tooth discolorations with color modifiers. Spaveras A, Karkazi F, Antoniadou M. Stoma Edu J 2018:5(4): 256-262 doi: 10.25241/stomaeduj.2018.5(4).art.6
- Aπό τη μονιμοποίησή μου ως Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια
- #15D. Branding in Dentistry: A historical and modern approach to a new trend. Antoniadou M, Devetziadou M. GCS Advanced Research and reviews 2020; 03(03):051-068. doi:
- #16D. Delivering health outcomes using the patient activation measure method-Prospects for the dentistry field. Antoniadou M. Advances in Dentistry and Oral Health 2020;12(23): 5558333 doi:
- #17D. Diet and Oral Health Coaching Methods and Models for the Independent Elderly. Antoniadou M., Varzakas T. Appl Sci 2020;10:4021 doi:10.3390/app10114021.
- #18D. Health and Oral Health Coaching Issues. Antoniadou M., Varzakas, T. 2020. Encyclopedia
- #19D. Breaking the vicious circle of diet, malnutrition and oral health for the independent elderly. Αntoniadou M., Varzakas T. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2020. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1793729.
- #20D. Life cycle assessment and circular economy in conjunction with treatment methodologies: Presentation and critical comparison between different food industry waste. Antoniadou M., Tsarouhas P., Varzakas T. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews 2020; 03(03): 029–050.
- #21D. Extra virgin olive oil: processing, quality, safety, authenticity, nutritional and health/oral health aspects. Antoniadou, M., Varzakas, T. Unesco Encyclopedia following invitation. Abstract: Version:
- #22D. Infection control during COVID-19 outbreak in a university dental school. Αntoniadou M., Tzoutzas I., Tzermpos F., Panis V., Maltezou H., Tseroni M., Madianos F. J Oral Hyg Health 2020;8:4
- #23D. Sensory Branding: A new era in Dentistry. Αntoniadou M., Devetziadou M. J Dent Oral Health 2020:1-8. ISSN: 2641-1962. doi: 10.33552/OJDOH.2020.03.000570
- #24D. Circular Economy in conjunction with treatment methodologies in the biomedical and dental waste sectors. Antoniadou M., Varzakas T., Tzoutzas I. Circular Economy and Sustainability Circ.Econ.Sust. (2021).
- #25D. Comparison of different bleaching protocols efficacy on artificially tea-stained teeth up to 24months post-treatment. Koniaris A., Antoniadou M., Margaritis V., kakaboura A. Advances in Dentistry and Oral health 2020;13(4): 60-67. DOI: 10.19080/ADOH.2020.13.555869
- #26D. Fermentative Foods: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Potential Human Health Benefits and Public Health Issues. Voidarou C, 1, Antoniadou M, Rozos G, Tzora A, 1, Skoufos I, Varzakas T, Lagiou A, Bezirtzoglou E. Foods 2021, 10, 69. Abstract: Version:
- #27D. Fermentative Foods
- #28D. Preparing dental schools to refunction safely during the COVID-19 pandemic: an infection prevention and control perspective. Maltezou Η, Tseroni Μ, Vorou Ρ, Koutsolioutsou Α, Antoniadou Μ, Tzoutzas Ι, Panis V, Tzermpos F, Madianos P. J Infect Dev Ctries 2021; 15(1):22-31. doi:10.3855/jidc.14336
- #29D. Economic survival during the COVID-19 pandemic. Antoniadou M. Oral Hyg Health 2021, 9:1, 267-269.
- #30D. Maintaining Digestive Health in Diabetes: The Role of the Gut Microbiome and the Challenge of Functional Foods. Bezirtzoglou E, Stavropoulou E, Kantartzi K, Tsigalou C, Voidarou C, Mitropoulou G, Prapa I, Santarmaki V, Kompoura V, Yanni EA, Antoniadou M, Varzakas T, Kourkoutas Y. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 516. 2-26 Abstract: PDF Version: Special Issue:
- #31D. Dental Patient’s Journey Map: Introduction to Patient’s Touchpoints. Devetziadou M, Antoniadou M. Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health, 2021. ISSN: 2641-1962 DOI: 10.33552/OJDOH.2021.04.000594
- #32D. Probiotics, Prebiotics, Synbiotics and Dental Caries. New Perspectives, Suggestions, and Patient Coaching Approach for a Cavity-Free Mouth. Amargianitakis M, Antoniadou M, Rahiotis C, Varzakas T. Abstract: PDF Version: Special Issue:
- #33D. An In Vitro Study of Different Types of Greek Honey as Potential Natural Antimicrobials against Dental Caries and Other Oral Pathogenic Microorganisms. Case Study Simulation of Oral Cavity Conditions. Voidarou Ch, Antoniadou M, Rozos G, Alexopoulos A, Giorgi E, Tzora A, Skoufos I, Varzakas T, Bezirtzoglou E. Abstract: PDF Version: Special Issue:
- #34D. "New Insights in Oral Health and Diets". It has been published in Applied Sciences as part of the Special Issue New Insights in Oral Health and Diets and is available online: Abstract: Version: Issue:
- #35D. Estimation of Factors Affecting Burnout in Greek Dentists before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Antoniadou M. Dent. J. 2022, 10, 108.
- #36D. Sustainable Distance Online Educational Process for Dental Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Antoniadou M, Rahiotis C, Kakaboura A. Published in IJERPH as part of the Special Issue COVID-19 and Health Education and is available online: Abstract: Version:
- #37D. Antoniadou, M.; Rahiotis, C.; Kakaboura, A. Sustainable Distance Online Educational Process for Dental Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9470.
- #38D. Leadership and managerial skills in dentistry. Characteristics and Challenges Based on a Preliminary Case Study. Antoniadou M. It has been published in Dentistry Journal as part of the Special Issue Quality Assurance, Professionalism, and Sustainability in Dentistry after the COVID-19 Pandemic and is available online: Abstract: Version: Issue:
- #39D. Quality of Life and Satisfaction from Career and Work–Life Integration of Greek Dentists before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Antoniadou Maria. It has been published in IJERPH as part of the Special Issue Quality of Life, Needs and Demands of Dentists, Students and Patients in the New Era of Modern Dentistry and is available online: Abstract: Version: Issue:
Research Theses – Books
- Esthetics of the smile. Antoniadou M. Thesis for MSc Degree. Athens, 1998
- In vitro characterization of resin-based sealants. Antoniadou M. Thesis for PhD Degree. Athens, 2006.
- Esthetics of the smile. Antoniadou M. In:“Clinical Esthetic Dentistry” G. Douvitsas. Zita Publ., 2004; Chapter 3: 75-84
- The colour in esthetic restorations. Antoniadou M. In:“Clinical Esthetic Dentistry” G. Douvitsas. Zita Publ., Athens, 2004; Chapter 4: 87-111
- Epidemiology of Dental Caries. Antoniadou M. In “Dental Caries” G. Douvitsas. OmniPress Publ., 4th Ed., Athens, 2005; Chapter 7:147-174
- Chemistry of tooth bleaching. Antoniadou M. In “Tooth bleaching” G. Douvitsas, CH. Paximada, M. Antoniadou, OmniPress Publ., 4th Ed., Athens, 2008; Chapter 7:105-113
- Tooth bleaching units. Antoniadou M. In “Tooth bleaching” G. Douvitsas, C. Paximada, M. Antoniadou, Omni Press Publ., 4th Ed., Athens, 2008; Chapter 8:116-153
- Participation in “Conservative restorations. Clinical guide of Operative Dentistry. From diagnosis to treatment”. Kakaboura A, Vougiouklakis G. Pascalidis PC, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd, Athens, 2010.
- Participation in “Basic Principles of Operative Dentistry”. Kakaboura A, Vougiouklakis G. Pascalidis PC, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd, Athens, 2012.
- Lesions of dental tissues in the elderly. Chapter 6ο. Στο e-book, «Gerodontology». Κοssioni A. Athens, 2018
- Costing of Dental Work. Updated Practices. Chapter 8. Τsiogas G, Antoniadou M. In e-book «Organization and management of the dental office». Tζούτζας Ι. Αθήνα, 2017
- Pricing or costing of dental services. Ways of costing. Chapter 8. In e-book «Organization and management of the dental office». Tzoutzas Ι. Athens, 2018
Since 2020
- Probiotics and prebiotics and their effect in food and human health. New perspectives. Antoniadou M., Varzakas T. 2020. In H. EI Enshasy and ST. Yang (eds). Probiotics and natural microbiota in living organisms. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton. 1st Edition, Probiotics, the Natural Microbiota in Living Organisms. Fundamentals and Applications. Edited By Hesham A. El Enshasy, Shang-Tian Yang. Copyright Year 2021,
- Application of humanities and coaching principles in health sciences. Antoniadou M. Tsotras Eds, Athens, Greece. 2021. Smirnis 14, Zografou, GR-15772 - Τel./Fax : 210 7470789 - Mob: 6944 460 280, E-mail:, - Web:
- Special issue in Microorganisms “Microbial Diversity of Fermented Food”. Quest editors: Prof.Dr. Theodoros Varzakas and Dr Maria Antoniadou. 31 Oct 2021. Ashlynn Wang (9 articles). Details:
- Special issue in Applied Sciences “New Insights in Oral Health and Diets”. Quest editors: Prof. Dr. Theodoros Varzakas and Dr. Maria Antoniadou. 30 Sep 2021. Allen Dou, assistant editor. (8 articles). Details:
- Special issue in Applied Sciences “Dietary Interventions for Human General and Oral Health and Disease Reduction”. Prof. Dr. Theodoros Varzakas and Dr. Maria Antoniadou. 30 Sep 2022.Frederic Yuan (1 article). Details: (open for submission)
- #16E. Special Issue in Dentistry Journal "Quality Assurance, Professionalism, and Sustainability in Dentistry". A special issue of Dentistry Journal (ISSN 2304-6767). Guest editors: Dr Rahiotis Christos and Dr Antoniadou Maria (open for submission)
- #17Ε.Quality assurance and control in health services. The dental quality model. Αntoniadou M. Research monograph. Τσότρας Ed, Athens 2022. Smirnis 14, Zografou, 15772 - Τel./Fax : 210 7470789 - Κιν: 6944 460 280, E-mail:, - Web:
Areas of scientific interest
- Adult education health policies and self-management, geriatric patients
- Oral Health Coaching, communication strategies in health sciences
- Alternative methods for controlling negative feelings in the dental setting
- Time management techniques
- Dental Management, Marketing, strategic planning in dentistry
- Managerial and Leadership Skills and Coaching for Dental Health Units
- Security and ergonomic issues in dental health units
- Well-being, quality of life of health professionals