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The School of Dentistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) for the 4th year in a row at a high position in the ARWU 2020 ranking

The Global Ranking of Academic Subjects for 2020 (GRAS 2020), also known as Shanghai Ranking, is based on purely objective and measurable criteria and related to the quality and impact of the produced scientific work.
For 2020, the School of Dentistry of the NKUA was ranked 102nd in the world among the 300 Schools that meet the eligibility criteria, with a total score of 173.
It should be noted that this year the criteria became stricter and more competitive, as the criterion of the number of Publications (PUB), was replaced by the new criterion Q1. In (Q1), only research publications in journals in the top 25% (Q1: quartile 25%) by Impact Factor, according to Web of Science and InCites, are evaluated.

The individual scores of our School were:

  • Q1 (as mentioned above): 37.6
  • CNCI (Category Normalized Citation Impact, ratio of citations of published papers to average citations): 74.5
  • IC (percentage of published research articles with international cooperation): 93.2
  • TOP Criterion (number of published research articles in top academic journals): 16.2
  • AWARDS (important international awards - for the subject of Dentistry, the IADR Distinguished Scientist Awards are considered): 26.1

For the first four criteria, the evaluation of the performance of our School concerns the research articles (except reviews) that were published during the years 2014-2018, while the last criterion considers the period 1981-2018, with decreasing weight based on the year of winning the prize.
Despite the shortage of finances, our School managed to stand out in the extremely competitive field of research, occupying the 37th place among the European Dental Schools. For this new distinction, which follows the continual high rankings in international evaluations of previous years, I would like to express my warmest thanks to the faculty members, the staff and our students. It is our collective effort that allows us to successfully overcome difficulties, while maintaining a high level of educational, research and other academic activities that earn international appreciation and recognition.

Professor Phoebus Madianos
Dean of the School of Dentistry of NKUA