The Department of Biomaterials occupies approximately 150 m2 at the basement of the New Building of Dental School.
The whole room is air conditioned by a central air conditioning unit and is protected by a fire safety system. The big analytical units and their accessories have been located in isolated rooms with individual air conditioning units while their electrical power is supplied through a UPS. The environmental conditions are constantly monitored by digital hydrometers, thermometers and oxygen detectors.
There are 14 PC units, 7 printers, 1 scanner and 1 plotter mainly used for support of analytical devices and in second place for secretarial use.
A logbook is kept for each analytical device monitoring the use, the calibration the maintenance and the malfunctions details. There are also archives for research protocols, suppliers and library.
Optical microscopes:
- Photomicroscope III /Zeiss: Biological, transmission / polarizing with integrated Zeiss microphotography system.
- Ortholux II Pol-BK/Leitz: Polarizing, transmission / reflection with two sets of objectives, integrated microphotography system Combiphot automatic / Leitz with 35 mm Leica MD11 camera.
- ME 600 Eclipse/Nikon: Metallographic, transmission / reflection / polarizing / differential interference contrast, with universal objectives, high resolution microphotography system U-III/Nikon and 35 mm Nikon camera, Coolpix 990/Nikon digital camera and image processing data station.
- Elvar/Leitz: Stereomicroscope, with uniaxial and lateral fiber-optic illumination.
- Leica CLS 100 X, and Coolpix 990/Nikon digital camera with image processing data station.
- Micro-Scopeman/Moritex: Portable video-microscope, with uniaxial fiber-optic illumination, contact and non-contact lenses and image processing data station.
- Scanning Electron Microscope/EDS x-ray microanalysis unit and coating devices:
Quanta 200/FEI: Multipurpose SEM for high-vacuum, low-vacuum and environmental imaging, with stage for controlled hydration/dehydration studies, secondary and backscattered electron detectors for imaging under all conditions and dedicated software for the production of colored and stereoscopic images by combining secondary and backscattered images. - Phoenix-EDAM III CDU/EDAX: embedded energy-dispersive spectroscopy system with super-ultra thin Be window for element detection down to 4Be, special shields for analysis of non-coated specimens and Genesis 3.5 software for fast elemental mapping, quantitative mapping, line scan analysis, thermograms and particle analysis).
- SCD 004 Sputter-Coater/Bal-Tec: Au and C coating unit for high-vacuum imaging and analysis.
- CPD 03 Critical Point Drier/ Bal-Tec: For selective, delicate, soft-tissue treatments when high-vacuum imaging is required.
Universal Testing Machine:
- Tensometer10/Monsanto (upgraded with Aegis 10/EUCAT system): PC-servocontrolled with a variety of attachments for tensile, compression, bending, shear, fatigue, uniaxial and multiaxial testing
- Extensometer
- Special grips for:
- Tensile for wires
- Tensile for plastics
- Tensile testing of metallic dumbbell specimens according to ISO specifications
- Compression
- 3-point bending for metallic and plastic specimens
- 900 peel off of adhesive coating
- 900 push shear testing for bond strength
- A series of customized grips for testing dental biomaterials with their in service geometries.
- Pen recorder / Monsanto: (single-channel continuous real-time recorder) and printer.
Hardness testers:
- Microhardness testing: HMV 2000/Shimadzu: Vickers and Knoop indenters and thermal printer.
- Hardness tester Diatronic 2RC Wolpert: Equipped with Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers indenters.
- DH-5 Diavite/Asmeto with thermal printer and microcontrolled x-y stage).
- Veeco NT-2000: Optical interferometric profiler
- Gloss-Checker: Horiba ST5 IR
- Setting shrinkage measuring device: PC-controlled, according to Watts and Cash, with LVDT (Solartron) and A/D converter (Pico).
- Elastic recovery measuring system: PC-controlled, with strain gauge (K5) and A/D converter (Pico).
Artificial aging
- Water-thermal-cycling unit: PC-controlled robotic arm with cold and hot water baths Heto.
- Photo-thermal aging unit: Suntest 30 CPS Plus/Atlas. Programmable unit for photo, thermal or combined aging of dental materials.
Specimen preparation devices:
- Metals microtome (Microtome 2/ Metals Research).
- Hard tissue microtome (Isomet /Buehler).
- 2 Metallographic polishing units: Ecomet III/Buehler and Dap-V, Struers.
- Dental unit (EMO).
- Ultrasound bath (Ultramatic 150).
Chemical labware:
- P903/Consort digital pHmeter / ionometer with standard, mini and surface pH-electrodes and Ca and F selective ion electrodes.
- Vortex homogenizers/vibtators (Genie 2).
- Magnetic stirrers (Nuova/Thermolyne).
- Electronic balance (BP 310S/Sartorius)
- Analytical balance (AU200/Shimadzu)
- Dry heat ovens (3, Memmert)
- Vacuum oven (Heraeus)
- Bench-top Centrifuge (Hartmann)
Color measuring devices:
- Colorimeter (Micro-Color Data Station / Dr. Lange)
Special light sources:
- Dental light-curing units ( Trilight/3M-ESPE, Optilux 501).
- UV units (UVL-21/Black-Ray).
- Observation sources (Olympus).
FTIR Spectrometer:
- Spectrum GX / Perkin-Elmer with a variety of accessories for surface characterization including micro-MIR and angle-resolved ATR cells.
- Autoimage / Perkin-Elmer FTIR transmission/reflection Microscope for molecular microanalysis and imaging, 2D and 3D molecular mapping and line scan analysis. The unit is equipped with a micro-ATR objective for optional ATR mapping and with visible polarizers.
UV-Visible Spectrometer:
- X-ray Microtomography system: 1072 High resolution x-ray micro CT scanner/SkyScan.
- A variety of custom-made devices for specimen preparation according to ISO specifications.
Satellite devices:
- These devices are located within the Health Sciences Campus and are in direct access
to the Biomaterials Laboratory on a time-sharing basis. - Atomic Force Microscope (Dimension 3000 /Digital Instruments)
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (DX-95 EDXRF/EDAX)
- X ray Diffraction (5000/Siemens)
- Field Emission SEM (FEG-40XL/Phillips)
- X ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (ISIS/Kratos).
- Raman Microprobe (2000/ Renishaw)